Design for use (which just means designing for people)
Over at Holy Rosary, Fr. Leo once explained that it takes a really creative preacher to connect the day's gospel passage, epistle, and Old Testament reading together in the same homily. Some days, Paul and Mark are both grooving together, talking about prayer or the Holy Spirit, but then you have to slog through a recounting of the generations between Adam and Noah. Sometimes its hard to connect the dots (it's Wysocki; her piece is the genealogy). But when life gives you lemons: if I squeeze hard enough, these pieces raise different aspects of the relationship between visualization and the human people either about or meant to be used by. Or maybe its just that visual presentation affects our lives (but that does sound a bit like the thesis statement from a literature paper I might have written in high school eg "Conflict is a central theme in The Crucible.") Goetz's presentation got to this connection most clearly and convincingly. The medical field ostensib...